Crimson Brush

Crimson Brush

The Crimson Brush is a dedicated Display Painting Competition held at CanCon on the Australia Day long weekend in January of every year.

Miniature painting is a fun, involving hobby. For the majority involved they are painting models with the goal to have them ready to play on a tabletop, or show off on a bookshelf or cabinet. But there’s another level beyond that which most gamers strive to show off at Warhammer Events across the globe. Many of you will be familiar with Golden Demon as it’s most people’s first exposure to a display painting competition. But… There is an expanding world of people who want to explore painting miniatures as a pursuit in its own right.

Display painting is about painting not for the sake of having a model ready for a competition, but for the pure enjoyment of painting itself and striving to create a unique artistic interpretation. Everyone is free to explore their own imagination and vision for these tiny little models.

Social media has helped to expose more people to display miniatures from across the globe. But photography simply doesn’t capture everything about some of these awesome pieces and a chance to see them in the flesh is why competitions like Crimson Brush are important.

If you are looking to see more of what miniature painting has to offer, then Crimson Brush launches our “display painting season” in Australia. And we’re excited to have even more people join in or see what we are all about!

Crimson Brush 2024

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Crimson Brush 2023

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We run meetups on the last Sunday of every month. 

Contact us for locations and more info


Stay tuned to our social media channels for up-to-date info on events and meetups.
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