Dogma48 - Sydney

Dogma48 - Sydney

What is Dogma48 about?

Dogma48 is about focus. It's about dedicating yourself to one thing exclusively and putting the rest aside. It's about sharing this focus and this moment too.

Dogma48 is a workshop event in which you're allotted 48 hours to finish a competition level piece of figure art. The point of the event is to recreate the hardcore focus and clear view of priority and direction you get when you're trying to finish a piece just before a contest, but to do so in a safer environment and in a group, so you all share the moment. Sharing is in many ways a very big part of the event, because even as everyone makes their own projects, you share the focus, the deadline, the stress, joy, the highs and the lows. You're working very closely with the people around you and are together immersed into a mindset, a mode of focus. The rest of the participants will help keep you in the mindset, but just as much, you are there for others when they are slipping or getting stuck on their project.

The finish line binds us together, but the journey and learning is the important part. Finishing is obviously fantastic, but it is quite common people do not finish but have important and happy takeaways from the event - this is also very much about learning and training.


We run meetups on the last Sunday of every month. 

Contact us for locations and more info


Stay tuned to our social media channels for up-to-date info on events and meetups.
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